I joined Joon No Taekwondo when I was 3 ½ years old. My mum took advantage of the free trial lessons and let me follow the actions of other children and adults in the class. I didn’t know what it meant back then but as I went to more classes, I enjoyed the exercising and I began to learn how to stretch, kick and memorise patterns. The truth is, I didn’t know what each strike or punch meant. I did not know how to do it properly or what the movement was called…. but now I do.
Then the business changed names to WeiWu Taekwondo with the same Masters.
One of the things I liked to do is board breaking. I also like self-defence and performing poomsae. However, there has been times that Master Brian would scold at me for ‘dancing’ when I was doing my patterns; and he would ask me ‘not to break the floor’ when I was trying to do the ‘bunny hops’. I couldn’t even hop on one leg across my knee when I first started! …. but now I can. Even though I am the slowest, I have tried my best and will continue to improve.
My journey has been enjoyable and fun with WeiWu Taekwondo. I have learnt a lot of skills and grown from a little boy to a big, TALL boy now. I am now 9 years old.
I have improved a lot in my strikes, kicking, self-defence, poomsae and in FAST Training – which involves a lot of sweat, tears, practise and persistence.
Taekwondo has pushed me all the way to the end.
I am very proud of myself, and I thank all the Masters and my mum who has been there all this time and taken me to almost every taekwondo lesson.
Even though I have reached Chodan, taekwondo has taught me never to give up …... because there is still so much more to learn.