I started Taekwondo just before I turned 4, my sister wanted to a do a trial, so we did it together. Not only was the trial for Annabelle but my mum thought it would be good for me as well.
My sister and I liked the trial, so my taekwondo journey began. I was a bit scared to start but I still continued to do it.
Soon it was my first grading. I was very nervous, and I didn’t want to do it but after watching everyone grade and getting a new belt, I wanted one too, so I decided to give the next grading a go.
I really liked doing the online classes over lockdown because it was done at home and the classes were for my belt level, so I was really happy that I got my red belts and cho dan bo really quickly.
Now after nearly 5 years of hard work, I am finally getting my black belt, it feels like forever I can’t wait! Thank you.